LAES Virtual Learning
LAMS/LAHS Virtual Learning Day
Grades 7-12
Classes will follow the 7 hour a day class schedule.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of every hour. Absent and Tardy students will be marked by the teacher in PowerSchool as is typically done during in-person school days.
- Students will be marked absent if they are not on camera and do not respond to the teacher as requested.
- Any student experiencing technical difficulties must contact Mr. Askvig or Mrs. Askvig for immediate help.
Teachers continue weekly lesson plans as on a typical in-person day. Teachers may modify lesson plans if needed based on specific resource availability.
Teachers and students will be on camera each period for a minimum of 25 minutes. If there is scheduled work time at the end of the hour, students may close cameras to work independently at the teacher’s discretion. Teachers will be available and on camera for the entire class period.
Paraprofessionals will be expected to follow the same schedule they would as if we were in person. They may break out individually with students to work following the teacher’s lesson.
Study hall time will require the students to check in at the beginning of their study hall with the teacher for attendance. The study hall teacher may use their discretion on allowing a student to work independently off camera.
Expectations of students:
- Attend each class period online
- Be seated at a table/desk
- Be on camera
- Respond to the teacher as called upon
- Computers should be taken home daily
Expectations of teachers:
- Continue weekly lesson plans as you would if in person with modifications as needed.
- Dress professionally and be prepared for class
- Be on camera and available for the entire class period
- Take attendance at the beginning of the hour
- Respond to all requests from students in meetings or chat during school hours
Virtual learning provides continued instruction and learning for all students with equity.
Teams training will continually be provided and tested by LAHS in preparation for the necessity of usage.
School will release any notifications about a possibility of a Virtual Learning Day as soon as possible to allow students to take home necessary materials.
Ethen Askvig
High school principal